Thursday, May 19, 2011

An Adventure To and In Miami

So I (Bryan) had an early morning: 5:30. Rolling out of bed at 6, I leave for BWI (Baltimore) to catch my 8:36 flight to Miami, arriving at 7. I figured that this was plenty of time to make my flight. would prove to be close. They called my flight, yet I, along with at least two others (so I couldn't blame my hearing loss), didn't hear it. I figure this out at, say, 8:05. So I get my boarding pass. I call my mom. Per her suggestion, I look to see if I can get escorted through security. But the airline has six people working two LONG lines, so they have no extra staff. I return to the line. While standing in line to go through security, I prepare to run. I put everything in my bookbag (shoes, belt, cell phone, etc.) and have my computer in hand. I clear security and I am off to the races. It's 8:26 or so and I am running through the airport with a computer in hand, in my socks (argyle, of course). I make it to the gate with probably seconds to spare, out of breath and pained feet.

So I make it to Miami. I wish they had the Will Smith Song "Welcome to Miami" playing on loop, but they don't...After checking into the hotel, I decide to go to downtown Miami-South Beach. So after a 20-30 minute taxi ride (you can imagine the cost), I'm set to explore. But it's hot, I have eaten nothing beyond three tiny cookies (that term is questionable for them). So I find a pizza place. Largest slices I have ever seen. I get some water. I walk down to the beach itself. The water is actually that clear blue color you see on the travel commercials on TV - who knew?! No water, however, coupled with the heat sends me into a state of feeling dehydrated. I'm bored and hot in an unknown city. But I did learn a thing or two (in no particular order):

1-Never travel in taxis alone for long distances. It will hurt your wallet.
2-Domestic airlines can never provide as good of a food service as international flights.
3-Before going into a city you've never been to, look up what there is to do!

Tomorrow, we travel to Daytona and meet up with more of the group!

1 comment:

  1. one of the reasons a race car can corner at such high speeds is that its tyre has a very high coefficient of friction when it is driving on a dryTires Miami
